Amara Wellness

Privacy Policy

The following are the details of our privacy policy. Please take the time to read, your security is important to us. We would welcome any comments from you.

Amara Intuitive Healing has taken great lengths to ensure that all information you share with us remains secure. Our Secure server software helps to ensure the integrity and privacy of the information you provide to us via External Links. Amara Intuitive Healing exercises no authority over linked sites, each of which maintains independent privacy and data collection policies and procedures. We assume no responsibility or liability for these independent sites and are not responsible for the independent policies or procedures of destination sites. Nor do we take responsibility for the privacy initiatives or the content of such Web sites. These destination links are provided only for your convenience, and as such, you access them at your own risk.

Amara Intuitive Healing will periodically be updating this Statement of Privacy to reflect the company and customer feedback. Please contact us if you need to update your Personally Identifying Information or change your e-mail preferences by e-mailing us at